How many guesses is good in Antiwordle? : In George Orwell’s famous novel 1984, the protagonist Winston Smith keeps a diary in which he secretly chronicles life in the tyrannical world of Oceania.
How many guesses is good in Antiwordle?
But Smith’s memory of some events is jumbled, and he frequently confuses his thoughts with those of his minister, O’Brien. To help him stay on track and make sense of his confused memories, Smith employs a memory trick called an “antiwordle.” In an antiwordle—so named for its resemblance to a word puzzle—the reader identifies words that indicate what happened when Smith had a “fearful dream” about his wife or about the very horse he rode in that dream. By using an antiwordle to focus his thoughts on certain events, Smith finds it easier to understand and remember his confused memories.
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An antiwordle has several essential elements. The first four guesses in an antiwordle should be based on the first word only; that is, the reader should identify words that start with the first letter of the given word. For example, if the reader learns that “trials” occurred in Smith’s dream, he could make his first four guesses based on “t-r-i-a-l-s.” The last three guesses in an antiwordle should be based on the last word only; that is, the reader should identify words that end with the first letter of the given word. For example, if “crown” appeared at the end of Smith’s dream with reference to his wife, he could identify “coronation” as one of his last guesses based on this element.
The middle element of a valid antiwordle is a word that must appear somewhere in the middle somewhere to make it valid—for instance, between two letters or before and after other words—to link all other clues together into one cohesive thought pattern. For example, if Smith had a dream about meeting with his friend Jones at Jones’ home but became uncertain as they approached Jones’ house whether they would meet inside or outside—confusion caused by their having different houses to which they wished to gain access —he might use this element by inserting the phrase “outside.
Although Orwell did not describe how Winston used an antiwordle for personal recollection (perhaps because he believed such recollection was impossible under totalitarianism), modern readers may find it helpful to adopt some aspects of Winston’s strategy when attempting to understand their memories. First, focus your thoughts on what you know occurred at some point in time since this will help you organize your confusing thoughts into defined events for analysis using an antiwordle format based on what you know versus what you think occurred versus what appears later in your memory. Next, include within your antiwordles clues pointing toward where your thoughts are currently focused within any defined period so as properly to link all facts together into one cohesive thought pattern. And finally—following Orwell —be aware that any person subjected under duress over time may lose touch with reality entirely and thus have no true indications as to what transpired within him during any given period so as not to mislead himself as Winston did regarding himself or others during such periods!