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Which is better CEH or OSCP?

 Which is better CEH or OSCP? Both the CompTIA Linux+ and Offensive Security Professional courses are meant to teach you how to secure your Linux server. However, you can choose between these two courses based on your personal preferences. The CompTIA Linux+ is a more traditional classroom training course that requires you to attend the in-person training.

Which is better CEH or OSCP?

 Which is better CEH or OSCP?

On the other hand, the Offensive Security Professional is a self-study course that requires you to complete your training on a computer at a cybercafé. Whichever one you choose will teach you the same skills, but they are different choices for learning.

Both the CompTIA Linux+ and Offensive Security Professional courses are meant to teach you how to secure your Linux server. Both pieces of training require you to complete several challenging exercises that help with real-world scenarios. During the training, instructors will walk you through setting up your server, installing various software, securing it with passwords, and maintaining it properly. After completing this training, you’ll be ready to secure a live Linux environment with no problems. Choosing between these two courses will mainly depend on which one suits your learning style better. Since the Offensive Security Professional is self-study, it may be better for those who prefer that type of training over attending classes.

Both pieces of training cost $600— an affordable price for learning how to secure a live server environment. Most people can afford this and don’t have any issues picking one over the other. It’s important to note that while both pieces of training can be done remotely via a web browser; they are much more effective when completed in person at a cybercafé or computer lab.

This way, you can interact with the instructor as he teaches you step-by-step how to secure a live server environment using Linux commands and tools. This hands-on approach makes sure that all of your insecurities are removed before you complete any exercises or activities. Otherwise, there’s no telling where mistakes will be made or what new vulnerabilities will be found in your system afterward— exposing all of your systems’ flaws for hackers to take advantage of them.

While both pieces of training teach the same skills, some differences between them should be taken into consideration when choosing which one is best for you. The Offensive Security Professional is self-study so it’s better if this style of learning works well for someone who prefers not attending classes throughout their training program. It’s also much more cost-effective since self-study courses typically focus on just one skill at a time rather than covering everything CompTIA has to offer in their classroom-based courses. While there are some similarities between these two programs, ultimately it may be easier and more effective for someone if they pick either of these self-study training programs instead of going straight through CompTIA's classroom-based method. 

How to Choose a Cybersecurity instrument?

still, also they may go for C| EH, If an individual wants to enter the world of cybersecurity and ethical hacking with introductory networking knowledge and lack of experience. else with at least 5 times of accretive, paid, full- time work experience in two or further of the eight disciplines of the( ISC) 2 CISSP, a professional can go for CISSP.

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