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How to learn programming from scratch and work in this field


How to learn programming from scratch and work in this field


No industry has as many opportunities for self-teaching and independent learning as programming. With the massive explosion of online educational resources in recent years, even most expensive university degrees are becoming less relevant.

What Is Programming?

Programming is the process of writing a set of instructions that a computer can follow to perform a task. Programming is also the act of breaking down a problem into its component parts, which are then solved by the computer in an ordered sequence.

Programming is an activity that requires both creativity and logic. A good programmer must be able to understand how their code will be executed by the machine it runs on, as well as anticipate areas where bugs may occur due to errors in logic or syntax.

Why Learn Programming?

The first step to learning programming is recognizing why you want to learn it. Programming can be a very lucrative career and the demand for programmers is only going up. It's also fun, creative and allows you to be your own boss.

Programming is also an excellent way to learn how things work in the real world because it requires you to combine multiple concepts in order to solve problems efficiently and effectively.

If you're interested in pursuing programming as a career—and especially if it's not something that comes naturally to you—you'll need all of these things:

What Does a Programmer Do?

Programmers write programs. They write code in a wide variety of languages, and then they use that code to create computer programs or software. These programs can run on desktop computers, mobile phones, tablets, or even specialized hardware like robots. Programmers also work with other programmers to design the architecture for distributed systems—systems that span multiple computers across different networks—by writing software designed specifically for this need.

As you’re learning how to program (or as you are already an experienced programmer), it helps to have some idea of what kind of work you might do if your first job is in this field. Following are some common tasks performed by programmers:

  • Writing code

  • Designing entire applications or just pieces of applications

  • Testing and debugging code written by other engineers

Why Does It Take So Much Time to Learn Coding?

  • It takes a long time to learn programming because it is a lot of work.

  • It takes a long time to learn programming because it is a lot of reading.

  • It takes a long time to learn programming because it is a lot of practice.

The best way to succeed in the world of programming is to choose one technology and learn it well.

The best way to succeed in the world of programming is to choose one technology and learn it well. When you're choosing a technology, keep in mind that you should be passionate about it and that it should take less than a year to learn. If you truly love coding, then even if you only have one or two months before your deadline, there's no reason not to go out on a limb and build something from scratch using whatever language is most exciting for you.

If your job search requires a portfolio of work samples (for example, if you're applying for an internship), then make sure that each piece reflects both passion for the field as well as experience with whatever technologies are required by your prospective employer's needs.


Coding is a skill you can learn at any age, and there are many ways to do it. If you want to work in an office as a traditional programmer, then learning HTML will help get your foot in the door. If you prefer working at home on your own time, we recommend getting an online coding course like Codecademy that has plenty of resources for beginner coders. You may also want to consider taking classes through a local school or university if there are no online options available near where you live.

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