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An Advanced Guide to Amend Commits in Git: A blog on how to amend a commit in git

The easiest way is to use stash:  $ git stash $ git checkout some_file $ make some changes $ git add some_file $ git stash pop There is also a much more complicated way of doing it: git rebase --interactive So you run git rebase --interactive $ git rebase --interactive master  Reword commit:  You can change the commit message for the reworded commit by editing the index. You can do this by using git commit --amend.

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undo git commit --amend before push

undo git commit --amend before push

You must make a new commit with the same information as the one for the current HEAD commit, but with the parent set to the previous HEAD version. The branch pointer will be moved by using the git reset —soft option so that the following commit will occur on top of a different commit than the one that is currently the branch head.

undo git commit --amend before push

What does git commit Amend do?

Yes, it is possible to rewrite the history of a git repository. Git has a few commands such as git rebase, git reset, git reset --hard, and git filter-branch which let you rewrite repository history.

Never change public commitments

Amended commits are brand-new commits, and your current branch will no longer contain the previous commit. The effects are the same as if you reset a public snapshot. Do not change a commit that other developers have used as the foundation for their work. Developers are in a perplexing situation, and it's challenging to get out of it.

git reflog is the safety net.

Git uses reference logs, also known as "reflogs," as a mechanism to keep track of changes made to commit references and branch tips. Reflog enables you to access previous commits even if no branch or tag has made use of them. The reflog keeps track of the previous state of branches after rewriting history and lets you return to it if necessary.

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A new entry will be added to the reflog each time your branch tip is updated, regardless of the reason (by switching branches, bringing in new changes, rewriting history, or merely by adding new commits). In this section, we'll examine the git reflog command at a high level and look at some typical applications.

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